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Giving you something else to think about outside the box is what this book is all about. What came to mind spiritually as catchy metaphoric phrases was quickly written down and saved to create this book.
Quotes are little bite-size life lessons with enormous impact that can last a lifetime; they inspire, motivate, amaze, and give you something to think about. From the bible, scholars, celebrities, parents, and everyday people, quotes change and challenge lives, and the impact filled with knowledge is worth repeating.
This book is composed of poetic quotes on many topics that are motivational, inspirational, relationships, love, life skills, politics, history, etc.
“Your mind is the most powerful place on earth; own it.”
“It doesn’t matter what the world dishes out; it only matters what you choose to eat.”
Queen Voice Queen of the South Organic Quotes: (Paper Back Book)
550 Metaphorical, Motivational, and Poetic Quotes to keep your mind afloat